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Senate Bill 1223 — Repeal of chapters on imported food and enrichment of bread and flour

Senate Bill 1223 — Repeal of chapters on imported food and enrichment of bread and flour

Parrish Miller
January 14, 2020

Bill description: SB 1223 would repeal two chapters of Idaho Code: Chapter 16, Title 37, Idaho Code and Chapter 26, Title 37, Idaho Code.

Rating: +2

Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in the market?

SB 1223 repeals Chapter 16, Title 37, Idaho Code, regulating food products imported from another country. This outdated chapter (added in 1965) deals with the labeling of imported meat and dairy products, and it has since been supplanted by federal law.


SB 1223 repeals Chapter 16, Title 37, Idaho Code, regulating enrichment of bread and flour. This outdated chapter (added in 1961) deals with adding certain vitamins and minerals to bread, rolls, and flour. This code has since been supplanted by federal law.


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