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Senate Bill 1155 — State Liquor Division, Appropriations FY26 (-3)

Senate Bill 1155 — State Liquor Division, Appropriations FY26 (-3)

Niklas Kleinworth
March 5, 2025

The Idaho Spending Index serves to provide a fiscally conservative perspective on state budgeting while providing an unbiased measurement of how Idaho lawmakers apply these values to their voting behavior on appropriations bills. Each bill is analyzed within the context of the metrics below. They receive one (+1) point for each metric that is satisfied by freedom-focused policymaking and lose one (-1) point for each instance in which the inverse is true. The sum of these points composes the score for the bill.

Rating: (-3)

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1155 is an enhancement of $1,521,700 and 0.00 new full-time positions for the State Liquor Division for fiscal year 2026. This legislation appropriates a total of $32,678,200 and 257.25 full-time positions to the agency.

Does this budget enact powers and activities that extend beyond the proper role of government? Conversely, does this budget fulfill the proper role of government?

The Idaho State Liquor Division controls the importation, distribution, sale, and consumption of distilled spirits. Its mandate over the distribution of alcohol is found in Article III section 26 in the Idaho Constitution. 

Though the state monopoly on liquor sales is constitutional, it places an unnecessary burden on the market. Government control does not necessarily encourage responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages. This activity clearly extends beyond the proper role of government.


Does this budget incur any wasteful spending among discretionary funds, including new line items? Conversely, does this budget contain any provisions that serve to reduce spending where possible (i.e. base reductions, debt reconciliation, etc.)? 

Senate Bill 1155 appropriates $100,000 for a new website redesign to bring it into ADA compliance. Though this is a necessary expense, the agency asked for 25% more than the quoted price to address “any possible run over.” It is wasteful to allow an agency to go so far over the cost of making changes as simple as ADA updates. 


Is the continuation or growth in ongoing spending, if any, inappropriate for the changes in circumstances, scope of the agency, or current economic environment? Conversely, is the continuation or growth in ongoing spending appropriate given any change in circumstances or economic pressures?

This legislation funds ongoing spending for the State Liquor Division at $31,362,900, growing it from the base by 37.6% in the last three years. This rate is 1.5 times faster than what would be prescribed by inflationary pressures and growth.

Because of the accelerated growth in this budget the last three years, a truly fiscally responsible enhancement budget for FY2026 would eliminate and reduce some of the budget and staff growth with a negative appropriation enhancement.


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