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Senate Bill 1114 — Aerial fireworks (+1)

Senate Bill 1114 — Aerial fireworks (+1)

Parrish Miller
February 26, 2025

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1114 would define "aerial common fireworks" and apply to them the same rules and regulations that apply to nonaerial fireworks. 

Rating: +1

Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in the market?

Senate Bill 1114 would amend Section 39-2602, Idaho Code, to define "aerial common fireworks" as "fireworks that are launched into the air above a height of twenty (20) feet, either by their own propulsion or by being shot from a mortar."

The bill would also amend several other sections of code that govern the sale and use of nonaerial common fireworks to include common aerial fireworks. 

It appears that these changes would effectively legalize the sale and use of common aerial fireworks in Idaho to the same degree as common nonaerial fireworks.


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