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Senate Bill 1092 — Lifetime teacher certificate (0)

Senate Bill 1092 — Lifetime teacher certificate (0)

Samuel T. Lair
February 13, 2025

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1092 would allow an Idaho certified teacher or administrator to receive a lifetime certificate if that teacher or administrator accumulates at least twenty-five years of experience.

Rating: 0

Analyst Note: Senate Bill 1092 was amended to add additional clarification language and remove the requirement that the state board of education shall create a lifetime instructional certificate to may create such a certificate. This amendment does not change the rating of the bill.

Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market?

Senate Bill 1092 would direct the state board of education to establish “a lifetime instructional certificate or a lifetime administrative certificate to any certified teacher or administrator who has accumulated at least twenty-five years of combined teaching and administrative experience” in a public or charter school. This certificate would allow veteran teachers and administrators to remain certified without having to deal with cumbersome administrative processes, such as “professional development” requirements. However, one shortcoming of the bill is that it does not recognize teacher and administrative experience in private schools. A teacher with 25 years of experience in a high quality private school should be considered just as qualified as a teacher with 25 years of public school experience. 


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