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Senate Bill 1085 — Recreational fees (-2)

Senate Bill 1085 — Recreational fees (-2)

Parrish Miller
February 13, 2025

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1085 would increase a host of fees for watercraft and offroad vehicles and increase payments to vendors, including state agencies.

Rating: -2

Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments?

Senate Bill 1085 would amend Section 67-7008 and numerous other sections of Idaho Code to increase fees for watercraft and offroad vehicles. Typically, when these fees are paid, the payer receives a sticker to affix to the craft or vehicle. In many cases, the fee increase called for in this bill would be $1 per sticker. The percentage increase varies widely because this fixed increase gets applied across a wide range of current fees. 

The bill would increase by 67% how much vendors retain for each sticker sold, from $1.50 to $2.50 per sticker. The bill would increase the fees for winter recreational parking by $2.50. It also would allow vendors to retain $2.50 from each parking permit sold. 

In many cases, the vendor is either the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) or Idaho Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The bill's fiscal note estimates these two vendors would receive more than $270,000 in additional revenue from the vendor fee increase.


In addition to the $1 fee increases discussed above, Senate Bill 1085 would implement substantial fee increases for off-highway vehicles (OHVs) by amending Section 67-7122, Idaho Code, to increase a $12 fee for a "certificate of number" to $20, which is a 67% increase. 

The bill would also amend Section 67-7124, Idaho Code, to increase the fee even more for non-residents, raising the current $12 fee to $30, an increase of 150%. 

The bill would triple (from $1 to $3) the amount from each fee going to the "off-highway vehicle law enforcement fund." The bill's fiscal note estimates this would generate more than $400,000 in additional revenue for the fund. 

The balance of the increased fee revenue (estimated at $1.4 million annually) would go to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. 


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