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Senate Bill 1080 — Veteran consumer protections (-1)

Senate Bill 1080 — Veteran consumer protections (-1)

Parrish Miller
February 13, 2025

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1080 would ban anyone who assists veterans in obtaining benefits from doing so on a for-profit basis. 

Rating: -1

Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in the market?

Senate Bill 1080 would create Section 48-603H, Idaho Code, to say, "Except as permitted under federal law, no person shall receive compensation for preparing, presenting, prosecuting, advising, consulting, or assisting any individual with regard to any veterans benefits matter before the United States department of veterans affairs, the United States department of defense, or the Idaho division of veterans services."

It would impose a similar prohibition on receiving compensation for referring a veteran to someone who provides any of these services. 

Among other issues, the broad language of this bill could prevent attorneys from being compensated for providing legal services to veterans if those services dealt with their benefits. 

This bill also unfairly targets consultants, who can provide a valuable service to those seeking to navigate a complex system of government benefits. 

The bill would also effectively prohibit veterans from choosing to purchase consulting services.


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