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Senate Bill 1071 — Vision health, donations (-1)

Senate Bill 1071 — Vision health, donations (-1)

Parrish Miller
February 11, 2025

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1071 would create a check box on the driver's license application form to facilitate a voluntary donation to one nonprofit organization favored by law. 

Rating: -1

NOTE: The two Senate Amendments to Senate Bill 1071 do not change the rating or analysis of the bill.

Does it violate the principle of equal protection under the law? Examples include laws that discriminate or differentiate based on age, gender, or religion or which apply laws, regulations, rules, or penalties differently based on such characteristics. conversely, does it restore or protect the principle of equal protection under the law?

Senate Bill 1071 would amend Section 49-306, Idaho Code, to create a check box on the driver's license application form to facilitate a voluntary, one-time donation of $2 to "Envision Sight," an Idaho nonprofit corporation. The contributions will be earmarked for "the purposes of promoting and supporting vision screening, vision treatment, and eye health in Idaho."

It is inappropriate for a single nonprofit corporation to receive a special legal perk, allowing it to collect donations in a manner not available to other nonprofits.


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