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Senate approves prison legislation

Senate approves prison legislation

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 11, 2010

The Idaho Senate approved legislation that Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC) director Brent Reinke said would help the state respond to riots, insurrections, or other disturbances at private prisons in Idaho.

Sen. Patti Anne Lodge, R-Huston, sponsored the legislation on the Senate floor. "The goal is to clarify that the department has the authority to respond to riots or other such emergency at a private facility," she said.  Lodge also said it gives the corrections director clear authority over privately-owned prisons during a serious disturbance.

The Senate approved the legislation on a 34-0 vote.  It now heads to the House.  Read IdahoReporter.com's story on the prison legislation hereThe text of the legislation is available here.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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