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Sen. Winder catches heat for remark about rape during closing debate

Sen. Winder catches heat for remark about rape during closing debate

Mitch Coffman
March 21, 2012

In a hotly contested bill that passed the Senate on Monday dealing with requiring an ultrasound before terminating a pregnancy, Sen. Chuck Winder made remarks about a physician asking the woman whether it was rape, or was she pregnant due to normal relations in a marriage.

According to the Idaho Statesman, those remarks have caused quite a controversy. Some took his comments to mean that women would lie about a rape in order to terminate a pregnancy.

Rep. Cherie Buckner-Webb, D-Boise, was outraged about Winder's comments, calling it "disrespectul." Buckner-Webb also said, "The audacity of saying such a thing. Rape changes lives, forever."

But Winder has said he meant no such thing, and that his remarks have been "totally misunderstood."

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