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Secretary of state sued over redistricting appointees

Secretary of state sued over redistricting appointees

Mitch Coffman
January 25, 2012

Idaho House of Representatives Speaker Lawerence Denney, R-Midvale, and party chairman Norm Semanko have filed a lawsuit against Ben Ysursa, secretary of state, for not being allowed to remove their appointees to the state's redistricting panel.

Denney and Semanko believe it is well within their right to do so, since the appointees are their personal appointees. But, the two members have refused to resign.

Ysursa is backed by the office of the attorney general, which says that the moves would not be acknowledged. Denney and Semanko are supported by an opinion from a lawyer who says the authority to appoint someone also allows them to fire them.

For more information on this story from the Idaho Statesman, click here.

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