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Coeur d'Alene School District #271

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IRI Percentage at Grade Level: This value represents the percentage of K-3 students who tested at grade level on the Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI). 59.7%

ISAT Percentage Proficient in ELA: This value represents the percentage of students in grades 3-11 who tested at or above proficient on the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) in English Language Arts. 63.7%

ISAT Percentage Proficient in Math: This value represents the percentage of students in grades 3-11 who tested at or above proficient on the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) in math. 46.3%

Statewide Percentage Proficient in Reading (4th grade): This value represents the percentage of public and nonpublic 4th grade students who tested at or above proficient in reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).37%

Statewide Percentage Proficient in Reading (8th grade): This value represents the percentage of public and nonpublic 4th grade students who tested at or above proficient in reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).37%

Statewide Percentage Proficient in Math (4th grade): This value represents the percentage of public and nonpublic 4th grade students who tested at or above proficient in reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).43%

Statewide Percentage Proficient in Math (8th grade): This value represents the percentage of public and nonpublic 4th grade students who tested at or above proficient in reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).37%

Spending Per Student: $8,050.00

Superintendent's Total Salary:

Rainy Day Fund Balance (% of Total Budget): $20,973,564.00 (19.8%)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Personnel: 0

Critical Social Justice Incidents: 10

School Description Link
Used "Welcoming Libraries" federal grant to establish "Vikings for Diversity and Inclusion" book club Visit
Provided access to Idaho Digital Ebook Alliance collection, which includes titles such as Felix Ever After and George, through students' school accounts (2021) Visit
Implements a district-wide equity framework, which incorporates culturally responsive teaching models, restorative justice practices, training in recognizing implicit bias for staff members, and using an "equitable curriculum" that prioritizes stories over facts. Visit
Utilizes the Second Step social-emotional learning program, promoted by the Committee for Children, which trains kids to view their parents as "roadblocks" to their goals, believe that white children are privileged, and engage in activism for causes like Black Lives Matter. Visit
References iCivics curriculum, which advances the systemic racism narrative and celebrates NFL players protesting during the national anthem, in Eighth Grade social studies curriculum. Visit
Administrators manipulated an 11-year-old girl into believing she was transgender and should undergo gender transition surgery. Visit
Adopted Curriculum Associates's Ready Classroom Mathematics curriculum, which promotes culturally responsive math instruction that "helps students and teachers to recognize racism, racial inequities, and nondominant culture and dismantle them." Visit
Collects sensitive, personal information about students' race, income, discipline record, counseling records, and more in a Statewide Longitudinal Data Base without parental permission. Visit
Lake City High School The GSA Club (LGBT club) exists at Lake City High School. Visit
Employed a Director of Federal Programs and Equity (2021). This role has now been combined with another position and rebranded as Director of Federal Programs and Assessment. Visit

Resolved Critical Social Justice Incidents: 0

Nearby Alternative Educational Providers: 8

Provider Link
Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy (6-12 Postsecondary Prep Charter) Visit
Kootenai Bridge Academy (11-12 Virtual Charter) Visit
Hayden Canyon Charter School (K-8 Expeditionary Learning Charter) Visit
Christian Center School (PreK-12 Private, Religious School) Visit
Holy Family Catholic School (PreK-8 Private, Religious School) Visit
Lake City Academy (PreK-8 Private, Religious School) Visit
Summit Christian Academy (PreK-5 Private, Religious School) Visit
North Idaho Christian School (1-12 Private, Religious School) Visit

Report an Incident at Your School

Have you witnessed Critical Race Theory or other programs being taught at your school? Fill out the form below to report it to the Idaho Freedom Foundation for further investigation.
CAE - LEAD Map: Incident Submission Form
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Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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