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Ron Paul on federal health care (video)

Ron Paul on federal health care (video)

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 28, 2010

Republican U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said he thinks new federal health care legislation is a disaster, but that he doesn't think states will win a lawsuit that would allow them to opt out of parts of the plan approved by Congress this week.  Paul said he thinks the new legislation, which would require citizens to purchase health insurance and give tax breaks to lower-income people to get insurance, won't drive down the cost of health care, but will harm the quality of care. 

Paul spoke to reporters before his appearance at a reception for the Conservative Student Coalition and a public appearance in Boise. During the 2008 Republican presidential primary, Paul received 24 percent of the vote in Idaho, his best showing in any state.

Paul said the process of the U.S. House of Representatives approving health care was difficult on him personally.

Paul said that health insurance is not a right and that federal health legislation reduces citizens' "private option" for health care coverage.

Paul said that he doesn't thinks the lawsuit from Idaho and a dozen other states against parts of the health care legislation will be successful due to courts' bias against states' rights, but hopes he's wrong.

Paul said he will introduce legislation in Congress that would let states opt out of new federal health care legislation. He also said he will continue to preach the gospel of the free market and individual rights.

Paul had kind words for the Idaho Legislature's resolutions against federal actions, like health care, are noticed by members of Congress, and said states should stop taking federal money for programs.

Paul said the anger over the health care plan will turn into political action that could lead many members of Congress to lose in the November election.

Note: Paul's visit to Idaho was sponsored by the Idaho Freedom Foundation. IdahoReporter.com is a product of the Idaho Freedom Foundation.

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