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Education Choice Stories: The Refsland Family

Education Choice Stories: The Refsland Family

February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Quick Summary:

The traditional public education system, with its standardized approach, often struggles to meet the diverse needs of its students. One family we followed 3 years ago, the Refslands, is a perfect example of this.

Angela and Franki have a long history with education, and after a period in the public school system, Angela knew a change was needed. Franki wasn't thriving; she was losing confidence and was labeled as a child needing an Individualized Education Program. Angela, however, saw a bright, talented child at home, not the child described in school. This disconnect led Angela to pull Franki from the public school system and create an environment where her daughter could focus on her goals, talents, and skills.

“The public school system caters to the 80% of the kids in the middle,” Angela explained. “They have very little for the 10% at the top and the 10% at the bottom. When I look at a kid, I see all this talent. I see all kids as potentially being in the top 10%—they're brilliant, they're creative—but over time, they've been told that they are in some other box.” Angela felt that private schooling and homeschooling offered a more holistic approach, focusing on the child as a whole being rather than just checking boxes and adhering to rigid bureaucratic processes.

Of course, this decision wasn’t without its challenges. Angela described the initial struggles to find the right educational fit for Franki, particularly when it came to understanding and addressing her learning differences. “They just couldn't really grasp the concept of what autism or ADHD was,” Angela recalled about some initial experiences. “They couldn't figure out how to even deal with a kid that was like that.” However, with perseverance and the right support, Franki began to flourish.

Financial considerations were also a factor. Angela acknowledged the sacrifices involved in private education, noting the financial burden alongside existing property taxes that fund the public system. However, she emphasized the value of the investment, highlighting the importance of real-world skills, flexible learning schedules, and the ability to tailor education to Franki’s individual needs. For Angela, the ability to see Franki thrive, develop her talents, and pursue her passions made the challenges worthwhile. Franki’s journey became a testament to the power of personalized education, proving that when learning is tailored to the individual, children can truly reach their full potential.

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