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Proposed bills would expand hunting in the state

Proposed bills would expand hunting in the state

Mitch Coffman
February 10, 2012

Three bills proposed in the Idaho Senate would expand hunting in the state. Senate bills 1282 and 1283 would allow landowners to sell their tags for however much someone is willing to pay for them, though the bills are a little different.

SB 1282 would allow landowners to sell their tags, provided they allow public access. SB 1283 would simply allow landowners to sell their tags, with no requirement for providing public access.

The third bill, SB1256, would expand the big-game tag auctions to include one moose, one wild sheep, one mountain goat and up to three elk, deer and antelope tags for each year. Currently, big-game auction tags only include one bighorn sheep.

For more information on this story from the Idaho Statesman, click here.

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