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Privatizing liquor sales could be a ballot issue

Privatizing liquor sales could be a ballot issue

Mitch Coffman
January 12, 2012

Last month a lobbyist for the grocery industry met with the Otter administration to find out the specifications on putting the option to privatize liquor sales on the ballot. Joe Gilliam, president of the Northwest Grocery Association, met with officals from Gov. Otter's staff as well as Secretary of State Ben Ysursa to find out what it takes to get the initiative on the ballot in the November elections.

Gilliam must collect 47,432 registered voter signatures by April 30. Because of the short time frame in which to organize and successfully execute the campaign, the decision on whether or not to push forward with the intiative should be made within the 10 days or so, according to the organization's Idaho lobbyist, Roy Eiguren.

For more information on this story, click here.

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