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Private dollars could build new jail in Kootenai County

Private dollars could build new jail in Kootenai County

Mitch Coffman
June 7, 2012

Rocky Mountain Corrections introduced a plan Wednesday to build a new jail in north Idaho using money from private investors. According to the Couer d'Alene Press, the jail would not operate under private control, but rather would be leased to the county.

Kootenai County commissioners still need to go over the details and decide if that route is the right one, but they said it is definitely something to consider.

Two plans were introduced, one for 408 beds and one for 625 beds. The cost per bed for leasing would be around $21. The county is dealing with something many others are as well, overcrowding. Much like Canyon County, Kootenai County is shipping inmates to other jails at a high cost.

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