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Post office closures likely coming to Idaho

Post office closures likely coming to Idaho

Mitch Coffman
April 6, 2012

As Congress looks to cut costs with the postal service, one likely possibility is to begin shutting down rural post offices. According to the Idaho Statesman, Idaho could see up to 30 closures if the plan is carried out.

Those 30 closures would be among around 3,700 that would be closing as part of the plan. Basically, if the post office is unprofitable, it is on the chopping block. The postal service would also be moving its processing facility in Pocatello to Salt Lake City.

Here is a list of the possible closures in Idaho: Almo, Arbon, Basalt, Bloomington,  Boise Collister station, Castleford, Chester, Clayton, Ellis, Geneva, Hamer, Howe, Lemhi, May, Monteview, Ola, Parker, Pocatello Bannock station, Swanlake, Weston, Yellow Pine, Ahsahka, Avery, Bovill, Elk River, Harvard, Tensed, University of Idaho location, Viola.


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