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Otter remains hospitalized on Tuesday

Otter remains hospitalized on Tuesday

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
April 20, 2010

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter was admitted to a Boise hospital Monday with flu-like symptoms and dehydration, and remained hospitalized on Tuesday, according to his office.

Otter's press secretary, Jon Hanian, said the governor has yet to be diagnosed.  "He's in good spirits," Hanian said about the governor. Hanian said he isn't sure when Otter will resume his official duties and campaign activities.  “He does have some other events on the calendar today, and we’re just going to wait and see.  Right now, they’re up in the air.”  Otter has a campaign fundraiser with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani scheduled for Tuesday evening in Boise.

Otter missed a meeting of the Idaho Land Board and Board of Examiners Tuesday morning, as well as an awards ceremony for science teachers on Monday.  The other members of the Land Board, including Secretary of State Ben Ysursa, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna, and Controller Donna Jones formally wished the governor well during the meeting.  “We wish him a speedy recovery,” said Ysursa, who chaired the Land Board meeting in Otter's absence.  All of the Land Board's actions Tuesday received no opposition from the other four members of the board.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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