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Occupy Boise's next move ... wait and see

Occupy Boise's next move ... wait and see

Mitch Coffman
April 4, 2012

Sit and wait.

That's more or less what the Occupy Boise group will be doing for a few months. Two different bills passed the Idaho Legislature during the 2012 session that aim to get rid of the encampment on the Capitol Mall.

The first bill didn't allow campers to be there overnight, but allowed the tent city to stay in place as a right to expression, a judge ruled.

The second bill gave regulating power to the Department of Administration, which will now have the authority to kick them off of the grounds. According to the Idaho Statesman, the department doesn't plan to do that right away however.

The department has 30 days to establish rules under the new bill concerning protesting on Capitol Mall grounds.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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