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Occupy Boise files suit to stop eviction

Occupy Boise files suit to stop eviction

Mitch Coffman
February 22, 2012

After Gov. Butch Otter signed House Bill 404, which makes camping on the Capitol mall ground illegal, the Occupy Boise movement asked for the eviction to be delayed. It claims in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that the governor and other lawmakers violated their rights, according to the Idaho Statesman.

Part of the suit contends that Occupy members' property will be unlawfully seized, which violates the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution has been the main catalyst during this process, as lawmakers have had to battle with what constitutes free speech and freedom of assembly, against pushing it too far and violating a reasonable right to air their grievances in a public area.

A federal judge will hold a conference call Friday to discuss the matter.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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