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New soldiers memorial gets another $10,000 donation

New soldiers memorial gets another $10,000 donation

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
August 8, 2010

A war memorial for Idaho soldiers killed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks received a $10,000 donation Friday from TriWest, a defense contractor that provides access to health care for military members.

The Triwest Healthcare Alliance gave its donation to the Idaho Fallen Soldiers Memorial in a ceremony featuring Idaho’s governor and first lady, Butch and Lori Otter.

“TriWest’s generous donation today to the Idaho Fallen Soldiers Memorial is evidence of its commitment to our military families and to all those who go into harm’s way,” Lori Otter said, according to a news release.  “Along with Governor Otter, I am extremely grateful to TriWest for this contribution.”

An artist's rendering of Idaho Fallen Soldiers Memorial

The memorial, which will be located near an old courthouse in Boise, is scheduled for a dedication ceremony in just over a month, on Sept. 11.  When it is dedicated, granite inserts will bear the names of at least 50 Idaho soldiers who have died in the past nine years.  Cheryl Miller, one of the memorial’s organizers, said the entire project will cost between $73,000 and $80,000.

“Corporate Idaho has stepped up,” Miller said.  J.R. Simplot Company and Intermountain Gas have also made sizable donations to the memorial, according to Miller.

“It is so very important to honor the memory of those who gave their lives in defense of our nation, which is why TriWest is honored to contribute to the Idaho Fallen Soldiers Memorial,” said Scott Celley, TriWest’s vice president of external affairs, who presented the contribution to the Otters.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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