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New report ranks health in Idaho counties

New report ranks health in Idaho counties

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 17, 2010

Latah County in northern Idaho is the healthiest in the state, according to a new study from the University of Wisconsin. Madison County in eastern Idaho and Blaine County in south central Idaho came in second and third in the rankings measuring health outcomes. The report factors in rates of mortality, obesity, and behaviors like smoking and drinking, as well as environmental and economic factors. Lincoln County in south central Idaho scored the lowest in the rankings, due in part to a high mortality rate.
“The study shows that there is a broad spectrum of factors that influence our health,” said Jane Smith, the chief health official for the Idaho Division of Public Health, which is part of the Department of Health and Welfare. “Our challenge is to evaluate the unequal distribution of health across our state and support the local communities to improve. We encourage leaders in local government, business, community and faith-based groups, education and the local public health districts to work together to identify strategies that can improve the health of our citizens.”
The full report, available online, ranks counties in every state by health factors and health outcomes.  Idaho's larger counties rank mostly in the top half of the state's list.  Ada County ranks fifth, Kootenai County ninth, Bonneville County 18th, and Canyon County 22nd.  Clark County and Camas County were not ranked in the study.

A map of Idaho counties ranked by health.  Lighter shades mean a higher ranking
A map of Idaho counties ranked by health. Lighter shades mean a higher ranking
Idaho Freedom Foundation
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