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New Plymouth senator to face ethics scrutiny

New Plymouth senator to face ethics scrutiny

Mitch Coffman
March 16, 2012

As if the natural gas/oil drilling legislation isn't complicated enough, now the issue has brought forward ethics concerns for Sen. Monty Pearce, R-New Plymouth. Sen. Pearce has voted on the issue 22 times, according to the Idaho Statesman, but only before voting on it this last time around did he disclose he has leased oil and gas rights on his property.

This is a potential conflict of interest, especially considering that he chairs the committee in which the bill was presented, the Senate Resources and Environment Committee.

Senate Pro-Tem Brent Hill, R-Rexburg, said he hopes to have an ethics panel convened  by the end of the day Friday.

Pearce said he has had the leases since the 1980s and a potential conflict of interest did not occur to him.

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