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Minnick postpones campaign re-launch due to congressional schedule uncertainty

Minnick postpones campaign re-launch due to congressional schedule uncertainty

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 27, 2010

Democratic Congressman Walt Minnick, serving his first term in the U.S. House of Representatives, was looking to officially restart his campaign this week, only days after the Republican nominee was picked by voters Tuesday in the primary election.  It looks as though Minnick's re-launch will have to wait. Campaign spokesman John Foster confirmed to IdahoReporter.com Thursday that due to his congressional work, Minnick may be stuck in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.

Minnick announced Monday that his campaign would have a series of events, including the launch of a new website and release of social media tools to engage potential voters, throughout the week to begin his 2010 re-election campaign. Minnick staffers planned to officially start the campaign with a press conference at Meridian City Hall Saturday, but that event has been postponed.  A press conference in Coeur d'Alene Sunday will also be delayed.

Foster believes it is likely that Minnick will appear in Nez Perce County Monday, in an official capacity, to participate in its Memorial Day events.  "I know Walt was very much looking forward to officially kicking off his campaign, but the congressional current schedule leaves too much up in the air," Foster said. "Although we will postpone the events planned for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, the campaign is under way. I know Walt looks forward to being out on the campaign trail soon to talk to voters and meet with the media."

Minnick is set to square off with Republican nominee Raul Labrador, a state representative from Eagle, in November's general election.

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