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Minnick begins re-election effort this week

Minnick begins re-election effort this week

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 26, 2010
Idaho 1st District Congressman Walt Minnick is ready to kick off his campaign for re-election.  Minnick was unopposed in Tuesday’s Democratic Party primary election.  He will face the winner of the Republican primary in the general election on November 2nd Nov. 2.  That race had not been decided at the time this article was posted.
Rep. Walt Minnick (D-1st District), was unopposed in the Democrat primary election
Minnick released a statement through his campaign office.  In it he said he will announce major initiatives Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, and Friday, and then officially kick of off his re-election campaign Saturday.  "I haven't been a Congressman long, but I've been a businessman most of my life,” Minnick said.  “I work hard to apply that experience to my work in Congress, and hope that work shows Idaho voters that they made a good investment in electing me.  I look forward to getting out on the campaign trail again to ask for their support in November."
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