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Merit pay for teachers in jeopardy if voters reject referendum

Merit pay for teachers in jeopardy if voters reject referendum

Mitch Coffman
September 2, 2012

Teachers in K-12 who thought they earned merit bonuses for their work in the classroom this past school year could see the money withheld if voters reject a specific education ballot issue in November, says a story in the Idaho Press-Tribune.

Teachers are scheduled to receive the bonus on Nov. 15, but the general election vote nine days earlier nullifies that, according to state officials, who say they can't distribute the bonus if the law enacting it is repealed by voters.

The head of the Idaho Education Association (IEA) is incensed that the money might not be paid out.  She said  in the story, "The state Department (of Education) is holding this money hostage," said Penny Cyr, IEA president. "The teachers earned it, the Legislature appropriated it last year and they intended it to be used for teacher compensation."


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