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Lung association group backs tobacco tax for Idaho

Lung association group backs tobacco tax for Idaho

Mitch Coffman
January 19, 2012

According to an annual report by the American Lung Association, Idaho made some improvements in 2011 to help prevent disease and underage smoking, but it says the state fell short in a few areas.

A press release sent out Thursday suggests Idaho can do a better job with legislation, including raising the cigarette tax by $1.25 per pack. The release also charges that tobacco has caused trouble for Idahoans, reading "Tobacco causes an estimated 1,509 deaths in Idaho annually and costs the state’s economy $685,273,000 in health care costs and lost productivity."

Idaho uses money from the Idaho Millenium Fund, part of a nationwide settlement with tobacco companies, for substance abuse and addiction program funding.

For the full press release for the American Lung Association, click here.

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