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Luna to hold public forum in Post Falls Tuesday

Luna to hold public forum in Post Falls Tuesday

Dustin Hurst
May 4, 2010

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna wants to talk to parents of students in north Idaho.  Luna, by way of the Idaho State Department of Education's blog, announced that he will talk with parents, educators, and students Tuesday at Post Falls High School at 7 p.m.

Department spokesman Melissa McGrath, who authors the blog, said that Luna will speak on issues that are facing students in the Idaho public education system.  She said that the superintendent had prepared short remarks for attendees, but will otherwise be available for questions in a town hall setting.  McGrath said that questions will likely focus on school funding issues, after state lawmakers cut $128 million from the public education money during the 2010 legislative session.

McGrath told IdahoReporter.com that the forum in Post Falls is the first in a series of events meant to help educate the public on the impact of the budget reductions and what is being done at the state level about them.  She said that the department will hold similar meetings in upcoming weeks as school boards across the state begin to set their budgets for the next school year.

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