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Lawmakers approve $110,000 for suicide prevention hotline

Lawmakers approve $110,000 for suicide prevention hotline

Mitch Coffman
March 1, 2012

On Thursday, members of the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee approved $110,000 for the state to establish a suicide prevention hotline.

Idaho is the only state in the union without one, though troubled residents do have access to a national call center.
Proponents of the plan say the state-based hotline would be better because local counselors could, after receiving a call from a troubled person, coordinate with other resources to ensure appropriate care.

Melissa Davlin of the Twin Falls Times-News reports that the state wouldn’t be alone in the endeavor. While the Legislature would provide a good share of the funding behind the plan, the Idaho National Guard has offered rent-free call center space, Wells Fargo has pledged $22,000 for the efforts and Mountain States Group would step in to run the program after it’s established.

Davlin also reports that the call center would cost about $111,000 in its first year and approximately $161,000 in its second year.

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