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Lawmakers cautious on tweaking ed reforms due to the referendums

Lawmakers cautious on tweaking ed reforms due to the referendums

Mitch Coffman
March 12, 2012

During last year's legislative session, education reform took center stage as numerous changes were made including an emphasis on technology in the classroom, more transparency in negotiating master agreements and a change in continuing contract language.

One result of the reforms was a successful effort to challenge the three reforms through referendums on the November 2012 election ballot.

According to the Idaho Statesman, while lawmakers this session have been looking to make small changes to last year's legislation, they have asked for guidance from the attorney general's office due to the referendums on the ballot.

Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis, R-Idaho Falls, said that he felt it was necessary to respect the referendum process, thus the request to the attorney general for help.

The attorney general's office said the Legislature should act in "good faith" and not do anything to try to undermine the referendum process.

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