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Lawmakers approve hiring extra tax auditors

Lawmakers approve hiring extra tax auditors

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 26, 2010

The Idaho State Tax Commission could bring on more tax auditors as part of the commission’s budget approved by the Idaho Senate Friday.  The state will pay 10 temporary auditors a total of $560,000, and expects them to bring in $4.5 million.  Another $1.6 million would fund 43 temporary tax specialists, some of them auditors.  Those positions are budgeted to bring in $11.5 million.  The tax commission told lawmakers earlier this year that Idaho could collect $67 million in unreported taxes if it had enough auditors.

The tax commission is one of the few agencies to receive an increased budget for the next fiscal year, which begins in July.  Its budget would rise 3.1 percent to $25.9 million in state general fund dollars.  That increase is due largely to hiring more auditors and other tax compliance specialists.  The final Senate vote on the budget and the auditors was 28-4.  The tax commission’s budget now heads to the governor’s desk for approval.

Read IdahoReporter.com's first story on plans to hire more auditors.


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