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Last megaloads leaving Port of Lewiston

Last megaloads leaving Port of Lewiston

Mitch Coffman
March 7, 2012

Megaloads have been a hotbed of controversy for the last couple years. But, according to the Idaho Statesman, the controversy is virtually over. Imperial Oil has just two loads remaining to make their way from Lewiston, up through Coeur d' Alene and into Canada.

The company estimates it will have around 100 loads remaining to get to Canada, but those loads are in Pasco, Wash,, and will not be making their way through Idaho.

The megaload controversty began over a plan to move the oversized loads from Lewiston to Kooskia then along scenic and narrow Highway 12. Despite lawsuits and objections from some who live along the route, a number of shipments did use Highway 12, but the focus then shifted to a route from Lewiston to Moscow then north to Canada to take advantage of the interstate system.

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