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Jones honored by primary win in controller’s race

Jones honored by primary win in controller’s race

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 26, 2010

Idaho State Controller Donna Jones expressed appreciation to Republican voters who gave her the party’s nomination in Tuesday’s primary election.  “I’m honored, I’m privileged, I’m humbled to serve the people of Idaho,” she said.  Jones, a former state lawmaker, real estate agent, and businesswoman, defeated log home builder Todd Hatfield of McCall in the Republican primary, receiving 56 percent of the vote, according to the Idaho secretary of state’s unofficial results.

Transparency in government spending and the controller’s role on the Idaho Land Board were two of the campaign issues Hatfield raised.  Jones said she hopes Idahoans approve of the job she’s doing as the state’s chief fiscal officer.  “I’ve been straight with the people,” she said.  “I work hard.  I do everything I can to give customers’ service and to give people the best bang for the buck.”

Jones said she has yet to focus on her opponent in the November election, Democrat Bruce Robinett of Boise, an accountant for Hewlett-Packard.   “I take them one race at a time,” Jones said  “I’ll take a couple days off from this one, and start on the next one.”

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