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ISP and local police plan to crack down on drunk driving this holiday weekend

ISP and local police plan to crack down on drunk driving this holiday weekend

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
June 29, 2010

This 4th of July weekend, the Idaho State Police (ISP), in conjunction with local law enforcement, will be stepping up patrols across the state to prevent deaths of those traveling to vacation spots or to see family.  ISP and the other agencies will be specifically targeting those who drink and drive, the department warned Monday.

ISP wants those who do choose to drink over the holiday weekend to know that officers will maintain a tough stance against those who get behind the wheel intoxicated.  "During these patrols, officers will have a zero tolerance for alcohol violations and will be aggressively apprehending D.U.I. drivers," the agency said in a prepared statement.  The department plans to have roving patrols all across the state looking for drivers who have had a few too many.

With increased patrol by officers, the department expects more traffic stops on the sides of Idaho’s highways.  ISP encourages motorists to be cognizant and aware of officers making traffic stops and move over to the left lane of the highway if there is one.  An Idaho law passed in 2006, known as the “Move Over Law,” requires motorists who drive in one- or two-lane highways to immediately reduce their speed and use extra caution when coming upon emergency vehicles using flashing lights.  The measure was designed to prevent state troopers from being injured or killed by inattentive or unsafe drivers.

Additionally, troopers and local police will also be watching for seat belt usage among travelers this weekend.  The department said that it plans to use patrols to encourage seat belt use and ticket those who don't choose to wear safety restraints.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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