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Idaho Freedom Foundation condemns violence and commits to winning the battle for liberty

Idaho Freedom Foundation condemns violence and commits to winning the battle for liberty

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 15, 2024

Donald Trump and all of America dodged a bullet. For years, we have heard and seen the media and the left spread misinformation about conservatives while demonizing President and candidate, Donald Trump. Violence, looting, and arson have become the left’s preferred tools for pushing its increasingly radical agenda. On Saturday, the violence tragically escalated, as one individual decided to take matters into his own hands. Providentially for Trump and for America, this deadly attack failed to achieve its primary objective. There were sad and heartbreaking losses though, and our hearts go out to the victims’ families. God bless them.

One person’s bad actions should never speak for an entire country. The Idaho Freedom Foundation sees opportunity coming from this tragedy. Our convictions and hopes go with patriots and heroes in their liberating strife. There is work to do, and it is a battle for sure. But this battle must be fought with ballots, not bullets. We must recommit to be positive, be honest, and be vigilant in protecting rights, limiting government, and conducting free and fair elections. But we must never quit and we must prevail. God bless America! 

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