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Idaho’s congressional delegation – save one member – comes out against Prop 1’s ranked choice voting

Idaho’s congressional delegation – save one member – comes out against Prop 1’s ranked choice voting

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
October 1, 2024

Three members of Idaho's congressional delegation have come out opposed to Proposition 1, a ballot measure that if adopted would rewrite the Gem State’s entire election system. 

Idaho’s two U.S. senators, Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, have come out in complete opposition to Proposition 1, as has Congressman Russ Fulcher, who represents Idaho’s 1st Congressional District. 

Only Congressman Mike Simpson, who represents the 2nd Congressional District, has failed to publicly share a stance on the initiative. 

Both Fulcher and Risch have recorded videos that the Idaho Republican Party is now using to educate and persuade voters. 

Fulcher, Idaho’s junior congressman, recently released an ad in which he detailed the reasons he opposes the proposition. 

“Proposition 1 is a nefarious attempt to destroy Idaho's trusted elections. Instead of simplifying things, it replaces our straightforward system with a controversial ranked choice voting scheme,” Fulcher explained. 

“Proposition 1 would utilize complex algorithms to transfer votes between candidates. It's already failed in other places. And would make our elections harder to understand and trust.” 

You can see the rest of Fulcher’s ad here

Risch strikes a similar tone in his video. 

“Ranked choice voting is a solution looking for a problem. Ranked choice voting would end Idaho's elections as we know them and stick Idahoans with a significant bill,” Idaho’s junior senator told the camera. 

“Idaho's current system is fair, it's secure, it's transparent and accountable, just like voting should be. Ranked choice voting is none of these.”

Watch Risch’s video in full here

For his part, Crapo provided a statement that the Idaho Republican Party used in a graphic on its Facebook page:

It’s unclear if Simpson, Idaho’s longest serving member of the congressional delegation, will take a position on the proposition.

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