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Idaho to help finance training for company headed to Boise

Idaho to help finance training for company headed to Boise

Mitch Coffman
April 21, 2012

Central Garden & Pet Supply Co. will begin to have a presence in Boise, in a story from the Idaho Statesman. The company will begin hiring for its accounts receivable department, with training cost help from the state.

According to the company, the help with training costs was a factor in why it chose to have a presence in Boise. The company currently has nine job postings, but eventually could employ up to 250 salaried positions in Boise.

Training costs will be around $3,000 per worker, but depending on the type of position, could cost more. The money will come from the state's Workforce Development Fund, which gets money from unemployment taxes that businesses in the state pay.

In order to take advantage of the training assistance, jobs must pay a minimum of $12 an hour and the company must provide its employees health benefits.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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