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Idaho Tax Commission extending hours, service on April 15

Idaho Tax Commission extending hours, service on April 15

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
April 14, 2010

Idahoans waiting until the last day to file their income tax returns could see extra service from state tax collectors.  The Idaho Tax Commission will offer extended phone and office hours on April 15 to manage the torrent of calls and tax forms on the tax deadline day.  State tax offices in Coeur d’Alene, Lewiston, and Boise will also offer curbside service, so people can pick up paperwork or drop off their state income tax returns without leaving their car.

“It really helps our taxpayer services, who get bombarded with phone calls,” said Renee Eymann, a spokeswoman for the state tax commission.  The state will offer toll-free phone support from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and offices will be open from at least 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with Coeur d’Alene and Twin Falls offices opening earlier to assist taxpayers.  Offices in Twin Falls, Pocatello, and Idaho Falls won’t have workers stationed outside for curbside service.  Eymann said each of the six offices made a decision on whether to offer that service.

Most people avoid the hard copies and file their taxes online.  “For the past few years, the majority of Idahoans are e-filing their tax returns,” Eymann told IdahoReporter.com.  She said this year, the state expects 64 percent of tax returns to be e-filed.  Idahoans expecting a refund will get their money from the state more quickly if they e-file, though filing close to the April 15 deadline delays the processing of their returns.  Eymann said someone who files electronically now should expect a refund in three weeks.  Someone filing by paper will have a 6- to 10-week wait for a refund.

Taxpayers looking for assistance from the Idaho Tax Commission can call 1-800-972-7660.  For more on the Tax Commission's services on April 15, visit their website.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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