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Idaho Public Television survives legislative session

Idaho Public Television survives legislative session

Dustin Hurst
March 27, 2010
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March 27, 2010

At the beginning of the 2010 legislative session in January, it looked as if Idaho Public Television (IPTV) would be completely cut off from state funding.  But on On Friday, members of the House voted to keep funding IPTV in the budget for fiscal year 2011, though with some reductions.

The $2.43 million budget, which was set by members of the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee on March 9, represents an 8.3 percent reduction in funding.   Lawmakers presenting the bill said the IPTV officials will also work to present Gov. Butch Otter with a business plan that will outline how they will begin seeking additional sources of revenue.

Otter originally advocated phasing out funding for the program in his State of the State address. The budget, which has already been approved by the Senate, now heads to Otter's desk.

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