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Idaho not a finalist for federal education grant

Idaho not a finalist for federal education grant

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 4, 2010

Idaho is not one of 16 states named as finalists for the competitive Race to the Top federal grant program.  Idaho had requested $120 million in grants, but will likely reapply for the second round of funding.  Those applications are due in June.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna said on his blog that he knew going in that Idaho might not get the money it asked for.  “I am disappointed Idaho has not been awarded in the first round, but from the beginning, I made it clear that I thought Idaho had a 50-50 chance," he said.  "Still, I thought it was worth the effort to apply."  He said the state will likely look for Race to the Top funding in the next application round.  "I believe Idaho still has an opportunity in the second round. Once we receive the peer reviewers’ feedback on Idaho’s initial application, we will work to improve the grant before we reapply in the second round in June.”

Read Luna's news release on Race to the Top on his blogWatch Luna discuss Race to the Top with IdahoReporter.com in December here and read IdahoReporter.com's coverage of Idaho's round one grant application here.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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