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Idaho landowners get favorable ruling from U.S. Supreme Court

Idaho landowners get favorable ruling from U.S. Supreme Court

Mitch Coffman
March 21, 2012

On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Priest Lake couple can go to court against the EPA, according to the Spokesman-Review.

The case involves Mike and Chantell Sackett, who bought land and began construction on their dream home several years ago. The EPA put a stop to the construction in 2007, saying that the couple was building on a wetland and threatened to fine them $30,000 a day.

The Sacketts wanted to sue, but the EPA said they couldn't because it would not allow the agency to properly deal with water pollution issues.

The justices ruled only that the Sacketts can contest the ruling by the EPA, but nothing was decided on the ruling by the EPA itself.

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