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Idaho journalists ignore ugly racism from Nampa school board candidate

Idaho journalists ignore ugly racism from Nampa school board candidate

Dustin Hurst
September 30, 2021

Chandra Reyna is a racist who wants to shape the minds of students in the Nampa School District. 

Unfortunately, most voters in Nampa won’t ever see her ugly anti-white, anti-police messages. Why? Apparently they’re not newsworthy enough for the media to report on. 

A few days ago, concerned parents in the Nampa School District started researching their candidates for school board. Three seats on Nampa’s five-member school board are up for grabs in this year’s election. 

Parents unearthed disturbing tweets from Reyna, a candidate vying for Nampa’s Zone 3 seat. Reyna, who according to her Twitter profile is a sociology PhD candidate researching “motherhood, families, and radicalization,” runs a Twitter feed full of racist messages. 

“I need white women who live in my state to stfu about what this state is and isn’t,” Reyna tweeted on May 19. It’s unclear what she was referring to, but what is clear is that this school board candidate stereotypes white women and demeans them because of their skin color. 

White women are often a target for this leftist school board candidate. “you know what's almost more annoying than a white man mansplaining something to me, white women telling me something I been known bc they wanna hear they own voice,” Reyna wrote on Nov. 9, 2020. 

Trips to the grocery store are apparently traumatic, too — because, you know, white people. 

On December 18, 2018, Reyna wrote, “Also, something about the grocery store gives people a sense of entitlement. I cannot count the times I’ve been disrespected in a grocery store by white folks *especially* if I have one of my children with me and *especially* by white women. 

“But...feminism. Y’all can keep it.”

But the grocery store isn’t the only haven of horrors for this race-obsessed tweeter. Apparently her favorite coffee shop is overrun by white women who, um, look at stuff too long. 

“on this gorgeous Saturday afternoon, my favorite coffee shop has been overrun by old white women who have a staring problem,” Reyna wrote on Feb. 22, 2020. 

Even kind gestures by white people trigger her. On Nov. 11, 2016, three days after Donald Trump bested Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, Reyna tweeted this gem: “It took my white coworker three days to ask me how I was doing. I'm not sorry that was so uncomfortable for you.” 

There’s more. One of her tweets suggests that police officers and those who support them are racist. 

Here’s Reyna’s tweet from Nov. 9, 2020: “started my day off by telling the Honda dealership I've been working with they can no longer earn my business bc they raised a huge blue lives matter flag over the weekend & I don't give commissions to racists.

“guess we're going with a Subaru.”

One could spend a significant amount of time perusing Reyna’s Twitter feed, and Nampa voters should. There’s a disturbing amount of racism and hatred there. 

But what’s almost equally disturbing is the media’s near-blackout on her anti-white, anti-police messages. 

To date, a lone media personality — 670 KBOI’s Nate Shelman — has picked up the Reyna story. Shelman, who discussed the tweets during a segment on his show yesterday, asked the right questions about the candidate’s tweets and her ability to interact with the public. 

“Will everybody be treated fairly?” Shelman wondered. “Or just certain people?” 

Shortly after her racist tweets started circulating through social media, Reyna posted to her Facebook page that she stands by her messages. Reyna, who limited conversation on that Facebook post, did not respond to Shelman’s request for an interview. 

And why should she? Shelman indicated that he would pepper the school board candidate with tough and likely uncomfortable questions. 

What’s happening is clear: Reyna, like any good candidate, wants to limit her negative press. She doesn’t want to face Shelman, who would hold her feet to the fire on these nasty messages. 

It’s easy for the left-wing Reyna to shrug off Shelman, a conservative radio host. She can simply claim Shelman wouldn’t have given her a fair shot to explain her side of things. It would be more difficult for her to answer to the Idaho Statesman, the Idaho Press, KTVB, and Idaho Ed News. 

But, none of them are calling. No, a search for Reyna’s name or a listing of the upcoming candidates on those outlets’ pages yields nothing. 

It’s not like papers and media outlets aren’t interested in this type of thing. 

Hearken back to November 2019 when more than two dozen Middleton School District staff members donned sombreros and other traditional Mexican garb while standing with a border wall emblazoned with “Make America Great Again.” Every major news outlet in the Treasure Valley covered the fiasco. For days on end, KTVB, the Idaho Statesman, and Idaho Ed News filled their pages, screens, and air time with talk of the Middleton staffers. 

Idaho Ed News’ Sami Edge even followed up on the fiasco a year later with a story entitled, “Middleton leaders say they’ve learned from last year’s Halloween nightmare.” 

This is bread and butter stuff for these news outlets, at least when the alleged perpetrators aren’t leftists. Then, as we are seeing in the Chandra Reyna affairs, it’s crickets. 

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