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Idaho Falls businessman hopes his contributions will offset NEA influence in Idaho election

Idaho Falls businessman hopes his contributions will offset NEA influence in Idaho election

Mitch Coffman
October 31, 2012

In what he says is an attempt to offset money contributed by the National Education Association (NEA) in opposition to education reforms in the state of Idaho, Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot says he will spend what he can to support the Proposition 1,2 and 3 reforms, according to a story in the Idaho Falls Post Register.

The NEA has contributed more than $1.8 million to the effort to overturn the laws, prompting VanderSloot to comment, "I don't believe elections should be bought. We enter races when it's really unbalanced; we try to level the playing field."

The three propositions go before voters in the November general election.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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