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Idaho AG says Denney doesn't have power to fire redistricter

Idaho AG says Denney doesn't have power to fire redistricter

Mitch Coffman
January 20, 2012

On Thursday, House Speaker Lawerence Denney threatened to fire to redistricter Dolores Crow whom he appointed to the commission. The reason was that some members of the GOP felt she had not done enough in the redistricting process for the party.

The redistricting map configured by the second such commission appointed to re-draw legislative and congressional districts was ruled unconstitutional earlier this week by the Idaho Supreme Court. The first commission could not agree on a plan.

On Friday, the attorney general said that Denney did not have the power to remove Crow, a former state legislator, and she has said she has no plans to quit.

For more information on this story from the Idaho Statesman, click here.

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