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House votes to reverse $1.5 million in Medicaid cuts

House votes to reverse $1.5 million in Medicaid cuts

Mitch Coffman
March 8, 2012

The Idaho House voted unanimously Thursday to reverse $1.5 million of last year’s $35 million Medicaid cuts.

The bill sponsor, Rep. Janice McGeachin, R-Idaho Falls, said the bill had some unintended consequences and that changes needed to be made.

Last year’s cuts, also spearheaded by McGeachin, eliminated adult preventative dental coverage, reduced certain therapy programs and trimmed down chiropractic services, among other things. The cuts were billed as a way to make Idaho’s Medicaid program more sustainable and fiscally sound.

The bill passed by the House would restore preventative dental services for the disabled and elderly, along with adding back programs cut for those with dual diagnoses.

The measure now heads to the Senate. The legislation was fast-tracked in preparation for the budget committee to set the Medicaid 2013 spending plan Friday morning. Lawmakers are expected to add more than $40 million to the program budget, after adding $137 million in state money last year.

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