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House votes to end far-reaching auto dealer hours mandate

House votes to end far-reaching auto dealer hours mandate

Dustin Hurst
April 6, 2015
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April 6, 2015

Small Idaho auto dealers are one step closer to working with fewer government mandates.

Idaho House members voted 69 to 0 Monday to repeal an administrative rule requiring small car-sellers to keep their doors open 20 hours a week or more.

The rules also required that dealers report their business hours to the Idaho Transportation Department, which wrote the regulations.

This is the third time the House has considered the issue. The House Transportation and Defense Committee approved the legislation earlier this year during an oversight hearing. The panel eventually reversed course and approved a bill to allow small dealers to post their phone numbers on their place of business rather than staying open 20 hours a week.

That bill cleared the House, but died in the Senate Transportation Committee during to sloppy wording.

The measure, which simply forces ITD to repeal the rule, now heads back to the Senate committee.

As the 2015 Legislative session winds down, there’s no sign if the measure will clear the Senate before lawmakers end their business, which could happen sometime this week.

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