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House Speaker Denney may force out redistricter

House Speaker Denney may force out redistricter

Mitch Coffman
January 20, 2012

After the Idaho Supreme Court ruled 4-1 against the plan for redistricting the state's legislative and congressional districts, calling it unconstitutional, another twist for the process popped up Thursday.

House Speaker Lawerence Denney, R-Midavale, said he believes it is within his power to remove Dolores Crow, Nampa, from the redistricting commission. Crow, a former state legislator, was Denney's appointment to the commission, so he feels it is within his rights to get rid of her.

According to Denney, there are many within the party who believe Crow gave up too much to the minority party Democrats, when she should have been looking out for the majority party.

For more information from the Idaho Statesman on this story, click here.

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