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House praises Capitol restoration workers

House praises Capitol restoration workers

Dustin Hurst
March 23, 2010
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March 23, 2010

Members of the Idaho House took a few minutes Tuesday to thank the people who built their new digs.

The House voted unanimously to to commend workers who helped to restore the Capitol building in Boise during it's two-year restoration and construction process.  During that time, workers stripped the building, added some upgrades to the main structure, and completed work to aid the building in maintaining its aesthetic integrity.  Two new underground wings were added to the building to provide more space for committee hearings.

The project cost $127 million and was funded with a temporary tax increase on cigarettes.

From the text of the resolution:

We honor, express gratitude and recognize the vision, creativity and hard work of all those responsible for the notable success of the Capitol Renovation Project including the Capitol Commission members past and present, the Division of Public Works project team, the architects, designers and construction entities, and last but not least, the hundreds of workers, artisans and craftsmen responsible for the superb quality of the Capitol Renovation, who have left a direct personal legacy for generations of Idahoans to enjoy when they visit our beautiful Capitol.

The resolution has already passed the Senate and will now be adopted.  Rep. Steven Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, who sits on the Capitol Commission, which was primarily in charge of the entire construction process, said he is please with the "very, very good" work of those who helped the restoration and expansion of the Capitol.

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