Bill Description: House Bill 604 would increase the regulation of electrical contractors.
Rating: -1
Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in the market?
Currently, Section 54-1010, Idaho Code, requires that "the individual owner of an electrical contracting business shall employ a full-time journeyman or master electrician …" House Bill 604 would amend this language to require that such a "full-time journeyman" have "over two thousand (2,000) hours of documented experience as a licensed journeyman electrician."
This section of code also allows the owner of an electrical contracting business to "act as his own journeyman electrician" so long as he complies with existing laws related to this position. House Bill 604 would strip these owners of this option unless they too have more than 2,000 "hours of documented experience as a licensed journeyman electrician."
This bill is more government regulation of the market.