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House Bill 411 — Local boards, comp, benefits (0)

House Bill 411 — Local boards, comp, benefits (0)

Parrish Miller
March 20, 2025

Bill Description: House Bill 411 would clarify compensation and benefits for the board members of special taxing districts. 

Rating: 0

NOTE: House Bill 411 is similar to but less comprehensive and beneficial than House Bill 343 (2025). 

Does it increase government spending (for objectionable purposes) or debt? Conversely, does it decrease government spending or debt?

There are many special taxing districts in Idaho, and the statutes creating and governing these districts are varied and often inconsistent. House Bill 411 would amend more than a dozen such statutes to bring clarity to the compensation and benefits paid to the boards that oversee these various districts. 

In most case, the compensation provided would be tied to the relevant subsection of Section 59-509, Idaho Code, which provides a range of honorariums and compensation rates for members of boards, commissions, and councils.

In some cases, the changes would increase compensation, sometimes substantially. For example, the bill would amend Section 40-2106, Idaho Code, dealing with regional transportation authorities, to increase the daily compensation from $40 per day to $200 per day in addition to actual expenses. 

Some of these changes provide clarity, some increase compensation, and others may prevent or reduce excessive rates of compensation. It would be preferable for all government boards to receive reimbursement only.


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